Sunday, July 22, 2012


Once again, tragedy has struck.  The shootings/killings at the movie theatre in Aurora,CO was horrific.  Friends that we served on staff with are now on staff of a church 2 miles from that movie theatre.  Thankfully, they, nor their teenage daughter were at the movie.  None of their church members were hurt either but they know people who were.  The whole community is in shock and grieving.  I can relate to this since we experienced the Va. Tech shootings a few years ago and dealt with all the emotions that followed.  We live about 45 min. from Va. Tech but the entire Hokie Nation was affected and we had many in our church family attending the University.  We need to all lift all of Aurora up in our prayers, especially the families of the victims and those that were injured and also those that were in the theatre but got out unharmed.  Their grief and trauma will not go away quickly.  Our friends' church has offered counseling and also prayer vigils for anyone wanting to come.  Their daughter told me the prayer vigil had helped her deal with all of this.  Many other churches are also helping.

When something like this happens, people ask why?  They ask "Where was God", Doesn't he care?
Why did God let this happen?  Did God cause this to happen?  I'm not a theologian but I do know God does care and he certainly did not cause this to happen.  He let this happen because he gave humans a free will.  We can choose to be evil or to be good.  We can choose to follow God or reject him.

At this time, they do not have any answers as to why this young man acted as he did.  He has to be mentally disturbed to have done such a terrible deed.  I have trouble believing anyone in their right mind could have done this.  Pray also for his family.  Can you imagine the pain, shame, agony, and confusion they must feel?  Pray for the officers trying to disarm all the boobie-traps in this young man's apartment.

We do not have all the answers for those affected by this tragedy.  We can offer words of comfort and encouragement from God's word.  Matthew 5:4 says "Blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted."  Psalm 147:3 states "HE heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds." and may the folks in Aurora be strengthened by these words found in Psalm 62:8, "Trust in HIM at all times, you people.  Pour out your heart before HIM.  God is a refuge for us."

Let us not forget to continue to pray for the people of Aurora, even long after the news media has moved on to something else.  May God give them comfort today and in the days to come.

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