Saturday, February 4, 2012


I'd like to share a devotion I read today by Max Lucado from his book He Still Moves Stones.
The Lord is close to everyone who pray to him, to all who truly pray to him.  Psalm 145:18.
"Healing begins when we do something.  Healing begins when we reach out.  Healing starts when we take a step.  God's help is near and always available, but it is only given to those who seek it.  Nothing results from apathy...God honors radical, risk-taking faith.  When arks are built, lives are saved.  When soldiers march, Jerichos tumble.  When staffs are raised, seas still open.  When a lunch is shared, thousands are fed." 

I'm not sure he is just talking about physical healing.  Perhaps he is talking about a broken relationship or a church that is sick.  Perhaps one of you out there needs to take a step and try to mend a "broken fence" with someone.  Perhaps God is asking one of you to take the initiative to start a new ministry in your church or to pray for your husband to have the courage and faith to "raise that staff" and ask your congregation to be willing to make some needed changes in order for your church to reach more people by becoming more involved with the folks in your community.  Getting outside the walls of our churches and "eating with tax-collectors" or "talking to a Samaritan woman with a bad reputation" can be scary and risky.  Put that in today's language and see who God might be asking you or your church to try to reach.  Pray. Take that first step if you need a relationship healed.  Step out with that radical, risk-taking faith and see how many thousands God will feed!

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